15 February 2019 – All-Northwest

9-930 7th Grade; 956-1026 8th Grade


Why you don’t like the sound of your own voice – Rebecca Kleinberger



  1. Human voices will develop over the course of years, even if there are sudden changes from time to time. Have you noticed any change in your voice? If so, how has it changed? If not, consider this: Find a recording of you as a small child and then compare it to a recording from today.
  2. The production of the human voice is one of the most complicated processes we enact on a daily basis. Consider how you react when someone sounds sad/happy/angry/frustrated/tired. How does your their voice change? How does your voice change based on your mood?
  3. Very often, people who speak more than one language with fluency have a slower descriptive cadence (pace) at which they speak. This is due – primarily – to the translation happening as they process language. Have you noticed this in yourself/others, and what else did you notice about it?
  4. We all have an inner voice. Sometimes we have control over that voice – the voice we use to read to ourselves silently or the voice that speaks in our dreams – but sometimes we don’t, as in when we daydream. How do you hear your self when you speak or rehearse, and how does that change your day to day process in the world?
  5. Many people take voice lessons for different purposes. Some People work with speech/language pathologists to learn more about the physical mechanics of the voice and how to utilize what we have to best suit our daily needs. Others work with specialists like vocal coaches, voice teachers, and otolaryngologists (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctors) to change the sound they produce for artistic, professional, or medical purposes. How might we work to become more comfortable with our voice, even if we don’t have this personal contact?


Activity: Mood-driven conversation

Please have the following conversation with a neighbor. Each time the conversation restarts, change the mood (tone, color, or timbre) of the conversation. Then discuss how the conversation changed based on the mood. Choose at least 4 moods.

V1: Hello.

V2: Hello.

V1:  How are you?

V2: Very well, and you?

V1: I’m alright, I guess.

V2: That’s nice to hear.

Moods to consider: Happy, Sad, Angry, Contented, Shy (romantic), Shy (avoidant), Upset, Apathetic


Discuss with your partner how your voice changes each time.


Transfer to HHS.


Guitar – 1:50-2:45

I have two students who are pretty well set to go with things to do.


Concert Choir – 2:50-3:45

Wendy will be in and running Concert for Peace charts. Direct or sing, your choice. 🙂 If you decide to sing, Audrey is trying to get more comfortable with conducting. Mix and match, run and rehearse.

  • Prayer of the Children
  • Set Me As A Seal
  • Come and Find the Quiet Center
  • How Can I Keep From Singing? (Run)
  • Love Is
  • Sure On This Shining Night (You’d need to direct this one – too many things going on)
  • How Lovely Are the Messengers