“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” – Plato
Looking to learn pieces more quickly, read music better, and sing more accurately? Here’s are some ways to accomplish those goals.
Why practice sight-singing?
Perhaps you’ve set a goal to make it to District, Regional, or All-State Chorus this year–or to join Swing Choir next year. Perhaps you just haven’t had enough experience reading music to feel comfortable navigating a choral score. Perhaps you simply want to push yourself to improve your skills as a musician. All of us, always, can become better at music reading and sight-singing through practice, practice, practice!
Here are just a few resources to help you improve your musicianship. These resources will help you with nearly any musical activity. Fun!
Sight-Singing and Ear Training
Looking to learn pieces more quickly, read music better, and sing more accurately? Here’s are some ways to accomplish those goals.
Why practice sight-singing?
Perhaps you’ve set a goal to make it to District, Regional, or All-State Chorus this year–or to join Swing Choir next year. Perhaps you just haven’t had enough experience reading music to feel comfortable navigating a choral score. Perhaps you simply want to push yourself to improve your skills as a musician. All of us, always, can become better at music reading and sight-singing through practice, practice, practice!
Here are just a few resources to help you improve your musicianship. These resources will help you with nearly any musical activity. Fun!
1. Basics of Music Notation
Ricci Adams’ musictheory.net
Basics of reading music, with exercises, quizzes, etc. Very helpful!
Another great site, chock full of info. Also includes ear-training exercises.
Very useful games, exercises, and videos explaining and reinforcing important music concepts.
Rhythms and Counting
An interactive site that will help improve your rhythm skills and understanding.
Method Behind the Music
Basic music notation info and concepts.
2. Ear Training
Well-sequenced exercises from Berklee College of Music Ear Training Courses
Super-Fun Ear Training Games
Good Ear
The Music Intervals Tutor (Training to hear intervals includes visual reinforcement, with notation on the staff.)
3. Sight-Singing Exercises
*Don’t have a piano at home? Use this Flash piano. Or this Virtual Keyboard. Or use one of many free apps for your smartphone.
The Sight Reading Project
Sight-Reading Factory
Bruce Phelps’ Eyes and Ears: An Anthology of Melodies for Sight-Singing
Companion Website for Carol Krueger’s Progressive Sight-Singing: very helpful patterns to practice
Dannhauser’s Solfege Books (old, but very comprehensive: beginning level, moving quickly to very advanced)
Volume 1
Volume 2
(even more challenging)
Volume 3
(darn advanced stuff)
Have fun!